The wines of Robert Hall
2002 Sauvignon Blanc
No big deal, an objectionable aluminum foil taste in the finish.
2000 Merlot $13
Someone messed up and put Cabernet Sauvignon in this bottle. It is very nice, smoky, peppery, nice finish. It went very well with pepperoni and cheese.
2000 Cabernet Sauvignon $13
Light aroma, flavor is okay, there is a bit of matchstick in the flavor, not bad but not great.
2000 Syrah
Nice dark color. Aroma has a touch of roses or something floral. Flavors of ripe fruit and espresso. Typical Syrah finish.
2000 Rhone de Robles
Very dark for a Rhone style wine. Very smoky, cigar box, tobacco. This is BIG! Very smoky finish! This is very nice.
2001 Rhone de Robles
Not as good as the 2000. Not as smoky, not as big, not as much cigar box or tobacco. Nice but not as nice as the 2000.
2002 Rhone de Robles
Better than the 2001 but not as nice as the 2000.