Tonight, I’m polishing off a Sutter Home… er, I mean a 2002 Trinchero Family Selection Napa Valley Pinot Noir.
How’s it look?
Darker and clearer than any Burgundy on the market.
How’s it smell?
I smell leather and lots of blueberry.
How’s it taste?
Wonderful! I taste leather, dark cherries, something else that I can’t quite place, but it is pleasant.
How’s its finish?
Lots of blueberry on the finish. Never in my wildest dreams of ten years ago would have I said that a grape wine tasted like blueberries. And blueberries is not normally something I want in say a Red Zinfandel, but in this wine it really adds to the flavor and overall impression of the wine.
You should get some, even if you don’t normally buy Pinot Noir.